Sunday, May 27, 2012

Platform Nine and Three Quarters (Day Five)

Today was one of those truly lovely days. We set out with a plan for our free day and accomplished every goal set.
The day got started before my alarm ever went off. Because a fire alarm went off first. True to our sheep-like, college kid nature, everyone just went outside. When the foreign student from upstairs asked if we new what set the alarm off we were all dumb faces and blank stares. I couldn't even tell where he was from because he had zero accent.
The biggest activity today was a visit to the Columbia Road Flower Market. Even with the fact that the closest Tube stop to it was a twenty minute walk away, it was so worth it. The flowers there were incredible and the tiny street was jam-packed with people. None of us could identify this one amazing white flower.
Behind all of the flower stalls were little unique shops. Entering each different shop was like looking someones pin boards on Pinterest. I loved it.
Today we finally made it to King's Cross Station and I got my picture taken at platform 9 & 3/4. Be jealous.
One thing about London that is starting to drive me bonkers is that you will rarely find a public "rubbish bin" (trash can.) It has something to do with bombs, but since I refuse to litter I end up carrying water bottles and things around.
Dinner tonight was legitimately the best meal I've had so far. My main dish was called some kind of mixed vegetable tart and it was amazing. We love, love, loved the guy who helped serve us, so we're going to go back for dessert some other night.

I have pictures of just about everything I did today below. Enjoy


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